Author: olimpadmin

Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,

Tomorrow we will meet each other on the unique event – third Twinning of Lawyers, initiated three years ago by the European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL) together with Bar Associations and organizations of lawyers from Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and Caucasus with the aim to develop knowledge, exchange of experience, but above all – to strengthen friendship and network between lawyers from so many jurisdictions.

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“Mediation and other dispute resolution mechanism strengthen access to justice for all”- interview with Professor Irakli Kandashvili, Chair of the AEA-EAL Mediation Committee

The forthcoming third Twinning of Lawyers is an opportunity for advocates from various countries not only to meet colleagues from Europe and Asia, but also to look into developments in the field of alternative resolution mechanisms and their use by legal practitioners in different jurisdictions.

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This website has been produced as part of a project co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe.
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